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Friday, February 6, 2009

Want to know about Chocolate Ingredients??

I find this article while searching for my assisngments..lalala..MySpace Feel free to read these!

Obviously, cocoa beans are a pretty important ingredient in chocolate but what else is required to produce your favourite sweet treat? Well, this isn’t actually a straightforward question to answer and it really depends on the variety and quality of chocolate.

Chocolate now takes on so many different forms that’s it’s possible to include any number of ingredients in a product and still classify it under the label of ‘chocolate’. However, for the purposes of easy reading, I’ll stick to the basics. There are pretty much just five main ingredients that are needed to create chocolate and here they are:

Cocoa liquor
Not to be confused with alcohol! This is the most important ingredient and the higher the liquor content, the better quality the chocolate is. Once the beans have dried, the shells are removed and the central part, or ‘nib’ is ground. This process produces a lot of heat so it melts and becomes the liquor. Dark chocolate has the highest amount of liquor so if you want a real chocolate hit; this is the variety to buy.

Cocoa butter
This is the residue from the pressing process and what is left once the liquor has been extracted. As well as being used for chocolate, it also makes a pretty good moisturiser.

This is essential in order to turn the chocolate into a sweet treat. Without sugar chocolate has a very bitter taste, much loved by the Mayans and Aztecs but probably not as popular with modern sweet teeth.

Milk or milk powder (milk and white chocolate)
As the name ‘milk chocolate’ suggests, these types of chocolate will contain either milk or milk powder and this is what gives the chocolate its creamy taste and paler flavour. Dark chocolate retains some of the bitter characteristics of the cocoa but this is indiscernible in most brands of milk and white chocolate.

This is primarily added as a flavouring and is present in most bars of chocolate, to a greater or lesser extent. The combination of cocoa and vanilla is a pretty good one so I assume that it’s just one of those things that somebody tried, everybody liked and no one has changed since.

sumber dari http://cocoasymposium.com

p/s: bestnya kalo dpt wat cokelat sendiri.. MySpace
bleh jadi usahawan..ngeh2..


'AQILAH said...

antoo coklat

pudding pie said...

ko nie.. x la mcm si Nadia, chocoholic tue..


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