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Saturday, August 23, 2008

new day for me..


Alhamdulilah, my mid sem break for 1 week is finally ends.. by tomorrow I will meet my cheerful roomates at Pulau Gadong.. hehehe..can't wait to see them.. however this will reminds me to my assigment that need to hand it out and sit for test this Monday.. HOW I WISH I can turn back my holidays again.. so that I can give my utmost consentration on my 'big day'..huhu.. SubhanAllah..moreover, with the end of my mid sem break, I will be a better person and a good Muslimah.. aminn..and wish me luck!

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Besides that, as Ramadhan Al-Mubarak will come soon, I can't wait to meet the day.. which means I will have my fasting with my roomates.. InsyaAllah.. Hopefully, I can do it without any hesitation and problems during my studies..I hope that I can do more good deed during Ramadhan and most important is performing Terawih Prayer.. Happy Fasting everyone!! Lastly, till we meet again..Wassalam..

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

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